Good Growth

There’s an adage that gets thrown around in church circles, and maybe wider: healthy things grow. There’s an increasingly common quip in response that suggests that healthy things grow, and then stop growing. The only thing that keeps on growing constantly is cancer. The first is usually used to suggest either that your church not… Continue reading Good Growth

Elders & Training

The most undertrained group in churches are elders. Most church elders are not on staff at their churches. That’s not just thinking about very small churches that can’t pay one of their elders, but most eldership teams are going to be majority non-employed by their churches. As an aside, don’t call these guys ‘lay elders’… Continue reading Elders & Training

Pastors Need to Stand Up

We live in difficult days. My nation has fallen headlong into a sort of Protestant Paganism and is embracing all of sorts of beliefs and practices that are against the way of God. This isn’t suddenly true, it has been growing steadily for some time, and it could all turn in any direction very suddenly.… Continue reading Pastors Need to Stand Up

Lead vs Leader vs Leadership

Throughout the Bible, people lead. Whether they are judges, kings, or prophets, they lead the people of God by showing them a direction in which to go. Leading is good. Leading is required, for without it we are like sheep gone astray, crying for a shepherd and prone to false ones. Churches need direction (even… Continue reading Lead vs Leader vs Leadership

Leadership Development needs to go somewhere

I recently read Danny Webster’s response to the report into Mike Pilavachi’s abusive leadership. Pilavachi’s fall has rocked the charismatic evangelical world here in the UK. He was a strangely unifying figure who cut across streams and denominations. His abuse was longstanding and covered up by the charity’s trustees. Like many I attended Soul Survivor… Continue reading Leadership Development needs to go somewhere

Maturity requires suffering

If you want to mature, you’re going to have to suffer. Actually, that’s not quite right. You are going to suffer, that’s the nature of life under the sun. Some of that will be petty, some of it will be serious, and (heaven-forfend) some of it will be so psychologically scarring that you’ll be getting… Continue reading Maturity requires suffering

Should churches have a vision?

Or, more specifically, should they have vision statements? It’s common these days to expect a church to have a specific vision, often expressed in a pithy statement about what they will or won’t be seeking to do in their location. Sometimes it’s accompanied by a mission statement—which sometimes is the same thing, but at least… Continue reading Should churches have a vision?

Pastor, you don’t have a job

Pastors hate being told that don’t have a real job—the old joke being that you only have to work one day a week. The thing is, it’s more true than you think. I’ve been an elder in a couple of churches for around ten years now. Which makes me pretty green in the pastoral stakes,… Continue reading Pastor, you don’t have a job

7 Leadership development principles

Lots of churches run leadership development programmes of one sort or another, but is that a good idea? I used to operate graduate development programmes for Rolls-Royce, while there I was involved with redesigning the early career leadership development programme which was at the time award-winning and worked across eleven different countries. It’s been seven… Continue reading 7 Leadership development principles