
T. M. Suffield

This blog is where I’m learning to write, and hopefully saying a few things others aren’t saying. You can read what I’m aiming for below.

New posts go up on Mondays and Thursdays. Want to support my writing? Check out some options here.

I’m an elder at a church in the Grace Connection network; I work at a local University; love to read, write, and knock down walls. I’m an expert on pedagogy and love to talk about the Bible.

I’ve spent the last several years finding ways to help people learn to read the Bible for themselves, and am fascinated by culture, its endless reinventions and the enduring question of “how we got here”.

You can check out my videos on reading the Bible here.

Why Nuakh?

I’ve had a few people ask after the blog’s name and logo. Nuakh is the Hebrew word for ‘rest’. It’s what we’re promised in the new creation, it’s what Adam was supposed to enter into, what the Sabbath was for, and what Jesus offers us.

Rest is the Bible is different to what most of us imagine, it’s not about relaxing or recharging but about deliberately enjoying the order you have established with the work of your hands in the previous seven days. Nuakh is literally ‘settling in’ in the space.

When I write I wrest order from chaos. In Andrew Peterson’s language, I adorn the dark. For me, posting my writing for others to enjoy is (sort of) ‘settling in’ to the order I’ve created. It’s rest.

You can read a little more of the story here.

Cold takes

You might notice that I sometimes comment on contemporary issues, but not very quickly. I am committed to making my ‘takes’ as cold as possible for my own sake. You can read some more of my reasoning here.

Almost every post you read will have been written a couple of months ago, and then edited before being posted.